Strategic Business Planning Services

An effective business strategy with an excellent performance is the best guarantee for the success of any business. The continuously changing in the environment such as technology, social values, consumption habits, economic conditions, and policies has created many opportunities as well as challenges for enterprises. Hence, the development and implementation of a consistent business strategy becomes important and vital to many businesses.

At TTL CONSULTING, we will support you:

1. Setup company goals

Set goals that the enterprise wishes to achieve in the future. These goals must be realistic and quantified to show exactly what the enterprise wants to achieve. During the development of the strategy, special objectives should be: revenue, profitability, market share and reinvestment.

Setting a goal is an important part of any enterprise’s success, but it is especially important for small businesses that are easily get distracted by not knowing what to focus on. Objectives and action plan give you a clear direction on where to put your efforts into, and it can be used as a benchmark to measure the success of your business. The way you set your goals determines whether you are able to achieve that goal or not. Most people agreed that having goals is important, but the number of people can put down their goals or have an action plan in writing is less than 5%.

2. Evaluate the current location

To achieve the goal, the manager needs to have reasonable evaluation criteria. Two criteria to consider are:

– Assessment of the business environment: Studying the business environment to determine what elements in the current environment are risks or opportunities

– Internal evaluation: Analyze the strengths and weaknesses in the following aspects: management, marketing, finance, production, research and development

3. Product strategy

Product strategy plays an important role and position. It is the foundation of the business strategy. It helps enterprises to identify the direction to invest, design products to suit the consumers demand, minimize risks and failures, and effectively implement the proposed plans. Enterprises also need to focus on factors that have direct impacts on the product such as: product quality, reasonable price, and attractive product brand… to improve sales effectiveness.

  Product strategy is the art of combining all the enterprise’ resources to create long-term competitive advantage and method for each product in a competitive environment. Product strategy requires to address three issues: – What is the goal? – Who are the competitors? – How to compete and what are the advantages?

4. Evaluate and control the plan

We will assist business managers in identifying practical business models and objectives, in order to work out the best options for each plan.

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